What is the percentage of oil to be added for candle?
Usual recommended proportion is about 3% to 5% for candles.
Can I use the fragrance oil for other applications?
While we have tested, you can definitely try the fragrance oil for candles, diffusers, scrubs, body oils, soaps etc
How long can I store your fragrance oils?
Theara Fragrance Oils can be stored for about one year. That is the average shelf life. However, it is also dependent on time, temperature, and exposure to air and light. The materials used to make the oil is also a factor, thus we recommend one year approximately.
What is the difference between fragrance oils and essential oils?
The main difference between fragrance oils and essential oils is that fragrance oils are manufactured in a laboratory with different combinations and essential oils are made of natural materials. This difference comes from the ingredients that each oil is composed of, and where those ingredients are sourced from.
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